Flute Lyrebirds – mimicry

Previous page was Non-flute songs, Fig 9 audio tracks, here:

Flute Lyrebird – non-flute songs


Supplementary audio files, Figures 10 – 14

– mimicry

Figure 10

10a. Site 6, Allans Water, medley of ‘favourite’ Pied Currawong mimicry, over time. There are two phrase samples given for each year.


Figure 11

11a. Site 6, Allans Water, medley of ‘linked mimicry’ phrases, over time.  There are two ‘linked phrase’ samples given for each year.


Figure 12

12a. Site 6, Allans Water, ‘mimicry preceding a territorial song’, Satin Bowerbird, medley over time.  There are two phrase samples given for each year.


Figure 13

13a. Mt Boss area, ‘mimicry preceding a territorial song’, firstly Yellow-tailed Cockatoo (two phrase samples for each year) then Glossy Black Cockatoo (two phrase samples for each year), a medley over time.


Figure 14

14a. Mt Boss area, medley of ‘favourite’ Pied Currawong mimicry over time.  There are two different types of call for each year, and two phrase samples given for each type & year.


Next page has audio tracks for Invitation-display calls, Figure 15, here:

Flute Lyrebirds – Invitation-display calls